School Engagement Prepares Students to be Good Citizens
At Kiowa County Jr. High, students are given the opportunity to join KCJH Impact, a leadership organization that encourages students to engage in their school experience. The goal is to teach students that they can contribute in positive ways to their school's culture. Each member of Impact serves on a committee: Social Activities, Maverick Pride, Fundraising, Video Production, Publications, or Character Crew. Each committee operates under a mission statement and students in the group are expected to model the KC Big 3: Treat Others Right, Make Smart Decisions, and Maximize Your Potential. In addition to modeling the KC Big 3, each committee also takes one or two months of the year and plans activities around our monthly character trait (referred to as the Big Idea). The goal is for students to develop a habit of engaging in their community. As members of Impact, we hope our students have learned the value of school engagement and that they will feel motivated to stay involved in school activities in high school and college . The ultimate goal is for our students, when they become adults, to actively engage in their communities.